pininterest, izleyen Cep Telefonu, iPhone ve Android proje ve yarışmaları ilginizi çekebilir


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Develop a Mac Application  
This is an to gather responses from a group of people. It consists of approx 20 questions and each question has a drop down option of 5 responses the participant can choose from. When complete the app will be able to c ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: iPhone
$1500 - $3000 AUD
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App to Play Live Video Stream  
I want to develop App Live Video Stream Live HD TV Channel. Video Codec H264, Audio Codec AAC. App must have Play, Stop, Volume up/down and exit button. I want source code along with executable. Only person with past exp ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: iPhone | Cep Telefonu
$250 - $750 CAD
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Write an iPhone application  
We are looking for a mobile app developer (iPhone, android, iPad) One of the apps is similar to B2B site with extra features insuring security and scanning of registered users credentials. App needs to be also web base ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: iPhone | Cep Telefonu
$300 - $700 USD
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Write an iPhone application  
Want to develop iphone Applications in ObjectiveC and Swift
Beceriler: iPhone | Cep Telefonu
₹12500 - ₹37500 INR
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Build A Fitness App  
Would like to create an app to track personal & group training clients; something similar to TrainerFu. Clients have ability to upload meal plans link to import from MyFitness Pal would be ideal, and ability to upload wo ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: Android | App Designer | App Developer | iPhone | Cep Telefonu
$250 - $750 AUD
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Write some Software  
We are looking for 5-6 yrs experienced Android developer who has experience in Video on Demand or Media platform.
Beceriler: Android | PHP | Yazılım Mimarisi
₹12500 - ₹37500 INR
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Write an Android application  
Application which runs in background in android phone and trace each and every incoming and outgoing whatsapp messages and post it to one webservice. webservice was already developed.
Beceriler: Android | Cep Telefonu
₹1500 - ₹12500 INR
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android Developer needed at low rate for some work  
we need an android developer who may work with us for long Term. we need a developer who may work with us at low rate.
Beceriler: Android
$10 - $30 USD
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3D Touch / Long Press integration.  
I will need only two view controllers; Import Mapkit and add two separate polylines to the application (Should be close together). Once one polyline is 3D touched ( for compatible phones) / or long pressed it will ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: iPhone | Cep Telefonu
$30 - $250 CAD
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Write an iPhone application  
Write an iPhone application
Beceriler: Yılbaşı | iPhone | Cep Telefonu
$250 - $750 AUD
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Create a travelguide applikation for android, Iphone, windows phone  
I need a travelguide for our village. Accommodation, restaurants/cafe, to do, sights, map. I have a sample of applikation I like and want to copy and do someting like it. I will write text to the contents my self and I h ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: Android | iPhone | Cep Telefonu | Windows Mobil
€30 - €250 EUR
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Create a Mobile Website  
mobile website to provide tuition services
Beceriler: HTML5 | jQuery / Prototype | Cep Telefonu
$750 - $1500 SGD
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Creating android remote control pad/Server program for game  
My client wants to create android app that can control PC for game. Reference app : [url removed, login to view] [url removed, login to view] side program on Windows: Allow ip and port like te ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: Android | Cep Telefonu | Windows Masaüstü
$750 - $1500 USD
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Write an Android application  
Need an app which can find the right motor oil for any car.
Beceriler: Android | Cep Telefonu
£20 - £250 GBP
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Build a Website and App  
General information for the website: the website about government services Kind of development: New website from scratch Description of every page/module: The website I would like to develop is orientated for citizens ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: Android | CSS | HTML | PHP | Swift
$1500 - $3000 USD
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iOS app - development  
We need someone to help us with development of iOS app - the Android app is ready - meaning functionality, design etc. are clearly defined - We would like someone to help us with the development in parallel.
Beceriler: iPhone | Cep Telefonu
€30 - €250 EUR
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Phone Gap Data Entry Application  
Please find the attached document for application which i would need. Note with every update i as well need source code to validate the same.
Beceriler: Android | iPhone | Cep Telefonu | PhoneGap
$30 - $250 USD
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Required set of skills are necessary : Proven software development experience in PHP and MySQL Understanding of MVC frameworks especially Laravel 5.0 Good knowledge of relational databases, GitHub and of developing we ... Daha fazlasını gör
Beceriler: Android | Cep Telefonu
₹1500 - ₹12500 INR
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Freelancer needed to create Graphic Assets for a mobile game  
Graphic designer needed to create assets for a mobile game. The theme of the game will be that of an empty fridge in which you put food inside. More details about the project are listed in the uploaded pdf.
Beceriler: Grafik Tasarımı | Cep Telefonu
€250 - €750 EUR
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Looking game designer for many projects  
I have many projects that need reskin to better graphics please bid and show me your skills. Thank you
Beceriler: Android | Oyun Tasarımı | Grafik Tasarımı | iPhone | Photoshop
$30 - $250 USD
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