New! You can now blog directly on Bloglovin'

Post on Bloglovin

New! You can now blog directly on Bloglovin'

We've always wondered, why is blogging so complicated? Why is it so hard to publish a post from your phone? Why do you need to know HTML to create a beautiful blog? Why is growing your readership so difficult?

These questions were the starting point for something we've been building over the last couple of months here at Bloglovin'. Today we're proud to introduce Blogging on Bloglovin'. It's more connected and it's easier than ever to publish content on the go.

Post on Bloglovin

So, what does this mean?

  • Publish from anywhere. Easy to use on the go - create a post, right from your phone.
  • Simple and integrated. No need for HTML or templates, your blog is integrated into the Bloglovin platform.
  • Reach more readers. We will promote posts to our 10 million users and do our best to help you grow your audience.

Post on Bloglovin Post on Bloglovin

We'll be on the constant lookout for new stars to promote, so start posting today.

Also, if you're thinking about leaving WordPress or Blogspot to publish on the Bloglovin' platform, we'd be happy to help you move your old posts to the new platform. Just email us.

Need assistance? We're here to help. Contact

- The Bloglovin' Team

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