Best Time To Post On Instagram

Hello there, my aspiring Instagram star! :-D

I'd like to unveil the mystery of when is the best time to post your Instagram snaps.

I've seen so many posts on the internet telling me to get into the brain and routine of my followers… most articles say I should post on weekdays between 8:30am and 10:30am and then after 5pm because that's when "normal" people commute to / from work and have a few spare minutes to check their Instagram.

I've got 2 problems with this theory:

  • First of all, not all people have "normal" 9–5 jobs. I know for a fact that a lot of MY followers are entrepreneurs and bloggers who don't really have such a strict daily work routine.
  • Another problem is that the majority of your followers might not even be located in the same country as you… so there is the time zone issue.

So rather than assuming you know your followers or trusting some one-fits-all model, why don't you just use analytics to check when YOUR followers are engaging the most with YOUR content.

So what's the answer? Analytics!

I've written an article "BEST TIME TO POST ON INSTAGRAM" that covers 2 ways of checking your Instagram analytics and finding out EXACTLY when your followers are most active on Instagram.

Posting your photos during that time will help you increase your LIKES AND COMMENTS!

Yay! Let's do this!

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